Accolade Wines Innovates Off-Premise Packaging with Magnum

February 12, 2015
By Alana House
product_red_hardysAccolade Wines has launched a new packaging format in the off-premise, aimed at meeting the changing needs of the ‘at home drinker’.

The new soft pack format, Magnum, holds 1.5 litres of wine (two bottles), and just like other cask wine, limits the wines’ interaction with oxygen, increasing the wines’ longevity and making it possible for consumers to drink a glass of wine without having to waste a whole bottle.

Michael East, Accolade Wines General Manager for Asia Pacific, says the release is reflective of the increasing number of Australian wine drinkers who are choosing to enjoy wine in the comfort of their own homes – which is just under half of all Australian wine drinkers, according to Mr. East.

“The new format builds on consumer trends of convenience, flexibility and ease of use, to build a bridge between consumers who regularly consume wine, but often wanted just a single glass”, Mr. East said.

“Our consumer studies show that there is enormous appeal in being able to enjoy the convenience of a single glass, without feeling compelled to finish or waste the rest of the bottle.”

The Magnum will sit alongside the brands’ glass equivalent on shelves and in fridges, making premium, vintage and varietal wines available in such a format, including Accolade brands – Hardys, Houghton, South Island, Goundrey, Ta_Ku, Brookland Valley and Waipara Hills, among others. Mr. East says that the Magnum will continue to deliver the quality consumers expect from their bottled equivalent.

For more information, including all the brands featured with the new format and pricing, click here, or contact your Accolade Wines representative.



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