Do You Have An Old Bottle of Tulloch Wines?

February 12, 2015
By Alana House
As part of Tulloch Wines’ 120th year celebrations, the Hunter Valley winery is reviving an old promotion last run in 1982.

The promotion seeks to locate some of the first vintages produced by the family, calling on anyone with old unopened or used bottles of Tulloch Wines.

Originally, the promotion was run by current Managing Director, Jay Tulloch, who posted an article in the Weekly Times with the hope of tracking down early bottlings from the winery, which had been bottled under other merchant’s labels rather than his father’s. Because of the promotion, Jay was successfully able to locate every dry red Tulloch Wines had produced.

The vintages found as part of the promotion will be used at a flagship event in May. In addition, the donator of the oldest unopened bottle will win two tickets to one of the events the winery will be hosting to celebrate its 120th birthday.

Tulloch Wines is willing to offer payment for the bottles or a swap for current vintage wines, depending on the nature and condition of the ‘found’ vintage.

Tulloch Wines is asking on any owners of such a bottle to contact with an image of the bottle, clearly showing the label, vintage and content.

The promotion is open from now to the end of April 2015.
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