Adelaide University Develops App to Measure Vine Canopy Health

October 26, 2015
By Alana House
Researchers at the University of Adelaide have developed a new app that can calculate the size and density of the vine canopy through an image.

The VitiCanopy app is free, with the aim to help users monitor their vines and manage the required balance between vegetative growth and fruit production.

As opposed to the traditional, often time consuming ways of measuring leaf area, the iPad and iPhone app uses the devices’ camera and GPS capability to calculate the size and density of the vine canopy and its location in the vineyard. Chief investigator, Dr. Roberta De Bei said “This measurement can then be related to fruit yield for an assessment of vine balance as well as capture canopy variation across a vineyard. The GPS capability of the app means that information gathered can also be mapped.”

The app is available from Apple’s app store. To use the app, take a standardised image of the vine canopy. The app will then analyse the image and calculate LAI, taking into account the canopy shape and density, while recording the time and location of the image. An android version of the app is also currently being developed.
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