
Pernod Ricard FY16 Results

Pernod Ricard has reported organic sales growth of 2 per cent for the 2016 financial year to EUR€8,682 million (approx. AUD$12,735 million). In Asia, the company grew sales by 1 per cent, with double-digit growth in India and Africa/Middle East, but difficulties in China (-9 per cent), Korea and Travel Retail. The key brands for growth through … Continued

January 1, 2015

Australia & NZ on the Rise as Wine Production Falls Globally

Figures released by the International Organisation of Vine and Wine show wine production in Australia and New Zealand is on the rise while figures globally have fallen to their lowest in 20 years. As production falls by 5 per cent across the world to 259 mhl in 2016, Australian production has risen to 12.5 mhl and … Continued

January 1, 2015

Hills Cider Company Launches Two New Products

The Hills Cider Company has released two new products, the Cloudy Apple Cider and Apple & Ginger Cider. Made from fresh Jonathan Apples from the Adelaide hills, the Cloudy Apple Cider is a straw colour, and smells of custard apple, sherbet and hazelnut. This cider acidic on the palate with a touch of honey and … Continued

January 1, 2015