Maybe Cocktail Festival Launch Party
On Tuesday, Drinks Trade attended the media launch party of the Maybe Cocktail Festival, Australia’s largest international cocktail festival.
The six day festival will run up until April 14, with some of the world’s best bartenders invited to perform guest shifts across 11 Sydney venues. The cocktail menu on offer at the Tuesday launch was crafted by Italian bartender Gucci Giardino of Gucci bar, Florence.
19 out of the 21 Maybe Cocktail Festival 2024 events are free to enter.
“Last year we held 16 events and they were all packed so this year we’ve curated extra events and flown out even more international bars and bartenders,” said Stefano Catino, Maybe Cocktail Festival Director and Director of Hospitality at PUBLIC. PUBLIC successfully acquired The Maybe Group, the team behind Maybe Sammy, in April last year.
More information about the event can be found in the following Drinks Trade article. To view the festival’s schedule, click here.