Jim Beam Citrus Highball

August 16, 2016
By Alana House
Jim Beam is working to introduce a new generation of drinkers to the bourbon category with the launch of the all-new Jim Beam Citrus Highball RTD this month.

Bourbon already accounts for about half of all RTDs sold in Australia and is worth approximately $1.2 billion in sales value. The Jim Beam Citrus Highball RTD aims to offer existing bourbon drinkers with a refreshing alternative to the existing RTDs that are available.

The RTD blends the mild, natural sweetness of Jim Beam bourbon with the sharp, crisp flavours of three specifically selected varieties of grapefruit to create a refreshing alternative to beer or cider.

Shane Richardson, CCA’s Managing Director of Alcohol & Coffee, said: “We’re committed to working closely with our partner Beam Suntory and with our customers to reinvigorate the bourbon category in Australia.

“Coming off the back of the recent arrival of Double Oak, the global rebranding of the Jim Beam trademark packaging, and the introduction of our nationwide Bourbon Legends platform, this latest product launch is another example of the kind of exciting innovation that we believe is needed to reframe the bourbon category and drive growth in today’s challenging market.”

The launch makes Australia the second country after Japan to sell the JB Citrus Highball and is being supported by a $3 million national advertising campaign, running from October 2016 to March 2017, including in store promotions and sampling campaigns.

Distributor: Coca-Cola Amatil
RRP: $24.99 per six-pack
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