The Alcohol Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC) has released its revised and strengthened Responsible Alcohol Marketing Code, applicable from 1 August onwards.
Key changes to the code relate to emerging concerns raised by the public through the complaints system, said Harry Jenkins AO, ABAC Chair.
"Packaging with soft drink and confectionery themes is an area that attracts public complaints as seen in recent determinations, and the new Code provides greater clarity and updates around the meaning of 'strong or evident'.
Jenkins added that ABAC's second quarter report revolted that showing g excess or rapid consumption of alcohol in marketing campaigns caused the majority of breaches last quarter.
"I urge marketers to move away from using these themes and images in their social media posts," said Jenkins. "The new Code clarifies that excessive consumption is consumption inconsistent with the Australian Alcohol Guidelines set by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.
Although themes of overconsumption are shown in a humorous light, Jenkins said the new code makes it very clear that presenting excessive or rapid consumption as a joke "is a clear breach of responsible alcohol marketing standards."
Another area of concern over the quarter was complaints regarding ads showing alcohol use before or during swimming.
"The community is concerned about this issue due to the increased risk associated with these activities after alcohol has been consumed, and this continues as a key provision in the new Code," said Jenkins.
The second quarter report also showed complaints and determinations have increased while pre-vetting requests have decreased by 10 per cent compared to last year.
"ABAC Panel determinations provide helpful guidance to alcohol companies when developing ads and packaging, and I encourage marketers to make use of the wide range of free resources and checklists on the ABAC website and to use the ABAC pre-vetting service as an independent check that their ads and packaging are meeting responsible alcohol marketing standards," concluded Jenkins.
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