Earlier this month, Wild Turkey announced the latest instalment of its annual Master's Keep series: the Wild Turkey Master’s Keep Triumph. 

Drinks Trade recently caught up with Zach Mynott, Campari’s new Brand Ambassador for ACT and NSW, to discuss the new product.

“Triumph is a 10-year-old rye whiskey, which is the oldest rye whiskey that we've aged at Wild Turkey, said Mynott.

“One of many things that separate Wild Turkey from the others is the use of non-GMO European Rye, specifically sourced from Northern Germany… European rye has a very different body and complexity to what you get out of American rye. It's generally more creamy and subtle with its own unique spice compared to the more commonly used American Rye.”

The Wild Turkey Master’s Keep Triumph, which was sampled by Drinks Trade during a concert put on by Angus & Julia Stone and as part of Wild Turkey’s House of Music 101 program, is only the second Master’s Keep rye release since the series was launched in 2015. 

Wild Turkey’s Master’s Keep range was launched 2015 by Master Distiller Eddie Russell as a way of showcasing his personal vision for premium American whiskey: “Eddie joined the distillery in 1981; the running joke was that Eddie kept trying to do things very differently to Jimmy, and Jimmy continuously fired him... So he started making the Master's Keep when he became a master distiller as a bit of a tongue-in-cheek poke at Jimmy Russell by changing the way that they make bourbon to do a unique release,” said Mynott.

The latest release in the series, the Triumph, has been bottled at an abv of 52%.

“That extra abv really accentuates the body, mouthfeel, and length of flavour on the palate,” said Mynott.

“You get a lot of caramel, a lot of toffee, [and] you get a lot of star anise and spice on it as well. So overall, well-aged rye sitting at 10 years, pretty bold flavours, but something a little bit new and unique than what you see from other rye whiskeys, given the fact that rye does come from Europe.”

Master’s Keep Triumph has been made available in limited quantities with an RRP of USD $275 ($410) . If interested in acquiring a bottle for your venue or store, reach out to your local Campari rep. 

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