Today, Swillhouse has issued a media statement and video from the CEO publicly apologising for the allegations made regarding the group’s toxic workplace culture

“We've heard you, we're listening, and we are accountable,” said CEO Anton Forte in a video statement posted to Swillhouse’s Instagram account.

“It's heartbreaking to know that people were unsupported, unheard, and let down - I'm deeply sorry for that. The allegations against us are far-reaching and they reflect a period of time where our business wasn't as sophisticated as it is now, but we don't take them lightly and we respect people's experiences and their need to share their stories publicly.

Swillhouse has since appointed a new Strategic Advisor, described by the media release as “one of the most respected female leaders in the industry” and “the former CEO of a leading hospitality company,” to review the group’s operations. Swillhouse has also hired two other independent experts in workplace health and safety and in culture and transformation to aid with the transformation.

Forte said, “this week, we've brought in three outstanding independent experts in hospitality, culture and leadership, and workplace health and safety to advise us on how to work differently, to work better. We're putting every aspect of our operations under the spotlight because we want to identify where, what, and how we need to change.”

Additionally, Group Human Resources Manager Hope Dawson has been promoted to Swillhouse’s executive leadership team. Swillhouse is also actively cooperating with the ongoing Safe Work NSW inquiry into the allegations originally published in the Sydney Morning Herald. 

“We have six wonderful venues with 330 brilliant staff who we value dearly alongside a diverse mix of guests,” said Forte. 

“People were, and still are, the heart of our business. Every success we had, we owe to them… For their sake, we are committed to making real, positive, and lasting change. We will get through this and emerge on the other side as better versions of ourselves, of Swillhouse, and we won't let anyone down again.”


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