In 2014, Daniel Huntley registered to be an U.G.L.Y. Bartender for the first time. Determined to demonstrate just how far he could take U.G.L.Y., Daniel came up with an U.G.L.Y. Fundraiser, which he entitled The U.G.L.Y. Bucket List.

Patrons paid for the privilege of nominating activities that Daniel had to undertake in the last week of U.G.L.Y., and Daniel, along with supportive and foolishly generous friend Dean have to complete on challenge every day.

Among these U.G.L.Y. List Tasks were: dog washing at a local dog sanctuary for a day, dressing up as gnomes and gardening at an aged care centre, serving one whole shift dressed as clowns, Daniel and Dean getting U.G.L.Y. married in the bar, culminating in the two of them getting U.G.L.Y. tattoos.

Daniel and his team raised over $6,000 thanks to his creativity and getting everyone involved.

In 2015, Daniel is the U.G.L.Y. Bartender at the Slug and Lettuce (now commonly known as The S.L.U.G.L.Y.) and keen to beat his own total.

He has already planned a range of U.G.L.Y. events, including:

SLUGLIFE: Ugly Hip Hop Night

SLUG N REGGAE: Ugly Reggae night

Ugly Halloween   

Ugly Comedy Club every Thursday

Jab N Ugly where Daniel is learning to play guitar and the S.L.U.G.L.Y. chef is learning to sing to perform for an U.G.L.Y. fundraiser

The UGLY BOWL OFF where SA ALH venues are given the opportunity to participate in a game of 10 Pin Bowling, with the winner adding $300 to their U.G.L.Y. Fundraising

Yep, this crazy kid just keeps coming up with the U.G.L.Y. ideas and we can’t wait to see them all in action!

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