After a successful trial period in 2018, Vinomofo has permanently opened its Melbourne warehouse for wine tastings, click-and-collect fulfilment and walk-in sales.

Starting from Monday, January 28, Vinomofo’s Port Melbourne "urban cellar door" is now open from 10am to 6pm. 

Vinomofo CEO Justin Dry told Power Retail“The retail landscape is changing rapidly. But creating strong relationships with your community is and always will be one of the best ways to build a great business.”

Last year, Dry said that wine tastings with on-the-spot ordering were a great chance for the company to bridge the gap between its online and offline offerings.

“What we found was that everyone was enjoying the experience of meeting and connecting with Mofos [Vinomofo staff],”  he told Inside Retail.

Vinomofo took its warehousing operations in-house in 2016, with Dry noting at the time that the move was about “bridging that gap between bricks-and-mortar and online, before we’re ready to launch physical stores, if that’s the way we ever go.”

Dry has again hinted that more bricks-and-mortar stores may be considered as part of a wider growth strategy.

Watch this space. 



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