Omicron may be wreaking havoc but organisers of the GABS Hottest 100 say that they have received tens of thousands of votes from beer lovers participating in the annual beer poll that 'stops the nation'.

Much of the support is thanks to the creativity from breweries running campaigns on social media to garner support from loyal fans. Balter suggest people submit votes from their bathroom - ie: #doitonthedunny! - and defending champion Bentspoke’s Crankshaft IPA is running a CANpaign calling for CANberrans to keep them on top of the podium. Meanwhile Heaps Normal and Hawke’s Brewing Co are supporting each other and urging voters to vote for beer & cast a preference vote for mateship.

Voters can choose just five from the over 2,000 delicious beers, including some non-alcoholic options, nominated by hundreds of breweries around the country.

Polls close at midnight on Friday, 14 January and the highly anticipated results will be announced on Saturday, 22 January at the GABS Hottest 100 live countdown delivered online over five and half hours. The result announcements are also streamed live directly to over 60 official countdown party venues around the country, each with beer taps flowing freely as hundreds of fans gather to celebrate the occasion.

Just like the Melbourne Cup, you can also bet on the outcome of the GABS Hottest 100 with the bookies.

Craft beer bars, venues or brewpubs can host their own countdown event. Interested venues should register their interest by Monday, 17 January.

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