Smaller Pack Size Provides Major Sales Boost for Thatchers and Coopers

January 28, 2016
By Alana House
The introduction of a smaller pack size for Thatchers Gold in Australia is paying off for the English cider producer and Coopers Brewery. The distributor here has said that the 330ml bottle, released in October last year, has “provided a major boost for sales” of the product.

While the original 500ml bottle remains a popular format for drinkers in the UK, Coopers said that it was not a size Australian consumers were used to.

“Australian consumers are used to and much prefer the six-pack 330ml bottle format to the four-pack 500ml bottle format that is popular in the United Kingdom,” Coopers National Sales and Marketing Director Cam Pearce said.

According to Mr. Pearce, sales of Thatchers Gold have increased by 20 per cent since* the release of the 330ml bottle.

“We have been delighted with the new bottle’s acceptance and believe sales will continue to climb as they become better recognised in the market”, Mr. Pearce said.

Thatchers, which is located in the south of the UK in Somerset, has now agreed to replace all 500ml bottles with the new pack format.

Coopers’ distribution company, Premium Beverages, will be rolling out the 330ml six-pack over the coming months.

*six months to December 31, 2015
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