Treasury to Include Calorie Content in its Labelling

December 8, 2015
By Alana House
Treasury Wine Estates (TWE) has agreed to include calorie content in the labelling of its wines. While a number of beer companies, such as Lion, have similarly committed in recent months to being more transparent in the labelling of their products, TWE will be the first wine company to follow the trend. The company says it hopes the inclusion, which will feature across its entire portfolio of bottled wine, will help consumers to make better informed choices.

The roll-out of the calorie information will begin in Europe, where according to TWE, there is “heightened consumer interest in accessing information on the calorie content of wine and other alcohol beverages.” The new labels will appear on bottles following the 2016 vintage and will then be introduced into the Americas, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

CEO of the Wine & Trade Association, Miles Beale has welcomed TWE’s voluntary decision saying, “it is another good example of industry leading the way in providing information to consumers so that they can make informed choices about consumption.”

“Significantly it also provides the sort of calorie information their consumers want and in a format that they can access easily”, Beale added.

TWE is also committed to including calorie information online, through a dedicated web address (eg., which will be included on each of the respective brands’ labels.

TWE General Manager for Europe, Dan Townsend, said: “We recognise that consumers are increasingly interested in accessing the facts on calorie content to help them make more informed choices on alcohol consumption.

“We believe a commitment to providing calorie information on our brands is a positive step that leads the wine industry in responding to consumer interests in this important area.”

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